Lyric discussion by Inert 

Okay, I'm posting 2 comments, one through the view of drugs, the other through the view of love. I see this song through two angles so I'm going to expose them both:

"I'd say you make a perfect Angel in the snow All crushed out on the way you are Better stop before it goes too far"

(cocaine- all crushed up in the form of powder to snort.... better stop before "it goes too far".)

"Don't you know that I love you? Sometimes I feel like only a cold still life That fell down here to lay beside you"

The drug is so powerful that it feels like he is a corpse beside it, even without using he just knows the harsh reality of the drug and how the world comes to life with him using. "I love you" is a reference to his addiction.

Don't you know that I love you? Sometimes I feel like only a cold still life Only a frozen still life That fell down here to lay beside you

Potentially a line about his addiction and how he continuously feels like a "still life that fell down" beside the drug, comparing himself to the amazingly lively intoxicating feeling from the drug.

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