Lyric discussion by Nem0 

Even though I'm not the biggest fan of "i'm desperate, pacify me" rhetoric, i really like this song because i think

every one feels that way sometimes, during periods of weakness. sometimes the feeling that you're under undeserved

scrutiny, weather it's real or imagined, can be overwhelming and i think that's what this song is partially about.

it's like, in some relationships - not necessarily 'romantic' ones - where you feel judgmental appraisal is the only

form of acceptance available and the idea of sharing humble, human love seems out of the question, the quest of

trying to earn that ever-evasive compensation can "...[drain] the blood from [you]" because "nothing ever comes for


And even when you think you've found a fountain for the kind of sober, humble acceptance you crave, which doesn't

have to be a person, but can even be something like God, you "...let go, but [you] cling", because it's something

you don't remember having seen and you don't trust what you find unfamiliar. The "Give me faith" part goes

especially well with the God idea, but obviously this song isn't about some hesitant religious awakening because of

the line about cold kisses:)

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