Lyric discussion by bcavcrx14 

this is completely my interpretation but i think the first verse is a little vague because he is understanding it from a child's perspective. i think the first line about the picture on his kitchen wall is referring to the irony that they display religious symbols but his parents are doing immoral things.

i think the next part about the people in the car is him seeing as a little boy, one of his parents cheating with someone.

also, i the next part about the chemicals and the pool is him recalling one of his parents explanations for drunkenness. the way he says "apparently" in the song makes me think that this is him recalling the story later in his life and realizing how ridiculous it is. i think one of his parents was drunk and passed out, hit his head, and passed out in the pool.

then the rest of the song is pretty self explanatory, but i also think he is being sarcastic when he is talking about the two christmases and birthday cakes.

yh i think u're totally right.Jason is being sarcast.he also does it when he says "i'd like to believe it's all about love for a child". he simply means that he didn't get that special love kids get from their parents.

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