Lyric discussion by Charlesthe2nd 

Nobody comments on this song because it is absurd and unrealistic? I used to respect Jack Johnson for his lyrical art but now i see him as a pot smoking fantasizer! Mason C you are a fool! you probaly wasted your whole day typing this while your 70 year old neighbor is working in her yard. Do not sit here and talk aboutl how you believe this song so much it does nothing to fantasize about this sort of thing. This song enrages me greatly because of the fact that i am a devout Christian. I used to abuse marijuana and alchohol but the voice came down from the sky and I asked God to come into my heart. Who can say there is no God, no higher being? No one! Has anything in the bible ever been wrong No! Who would fight it and suffer God's wrath? a fool! S If you were to ask me what i would say about this song 4 months ago I would probaly say it is a really chill song, but would not be so pissed about the first verse. The world will never live as one! Only in the afterlife will that dream be realized. Live life for God today and thank him for being alive! Praver is the way to help the people of Darfur not singing childish little songs!

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