Lyric discussion by trisweb 

Oh God, what a sorrowful, beautiful song.

This is about a woman who broke his heart. That's all it is, don't read too much into it. I think they broke up, then didn't talk for a long time, but he still harbored feelings for her, and had to tell her. "But if my silence made you leave / Then that would be my worst mistake" - he has to take the chance that that's true, just to know for sure. But, at the same time, he knows what's going to happen. It's a song about the sadness of a lost love, the uncertainty and need for closure and honesty, and finally, acceptance. This is how it goes. It is.

All you young choir kids (don't know why there are so many of you who sang it in choir ;-), consider yourselves darn lucky for relating to this song in a positive way, because once you grow up and have been through this once, twice, too many times - this song has different meaning. I suppose, enjoy the innocence of not knowing heartbreak while you still can!

The poetry and wordcraft in this song is great. My favorite lines are probably "And this is why my eyes are closed / It's just as well for all I've seen" - In other words, he's seen so much pain and suffering in his heart that he might as well just block out what he knows is coming.

It's a beautiful song, so honest and true. One of my favorite songs of all time.

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