Lyric discussion by dgfthqy 

I think this is about how some people allow themselves to be consumed in self-pity and think it makes them unique and deep.

"can't get the stink off, he's been hanging around for days. comes like a comet, suckered you but not your friends." 'He' is symbolizing this type of self pity which is trying to get to you, and your suckered into, but you're friends don't fall for it.

"one day he'll get to you, teach you how to be a holy cow." Talking about when you succumb to the easy temptation of giving into self-pity and quiting. Once you've accepted this perspective on life it'll teach you how to be a 'Holy Cow' or the best of the worst.

"don't get my sympathy hanging out the 15th floor. you've changed the locks 3 times, he still comes reeling through the door. and soon he'll get to you, teach you how to get to purest hell." The singer doesn't sympathize when the person is "hanging out the 15th door" or crying wolf and being a pathetic and is predicting that 'he' will get you (i.e. self pity)

"you do it to yourself you do and that's what really hurts is you do it to yourself just you, you and no-one else you do it to yourself." Once you've lived a good portion of your life thinking like this the cognitive habits make it a real problem, and when it starts to seriously effect you you have no one to blame, but yourself, because you did it to yourself.

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