Lyric discussion by foreverdrone 

when my brother and were about 16 and 14 respectively, we used to play a game which we called trading nonsequiturs. when it's your turn, you begin speaking: and everything you say has to be completely meaningless.

the rather loose rules: you can't say anything which makes sense, or which is clearly something you thought of by looking at nearby objects (or reading off of words printed on them), and you can't use a phrase or sentence conceptually related to the previous one.

break one of these rules, and the other would call out "non sequitur!" (or we'd both realize it simultaneously & collapse into giggles.) then you switch places; it becomes the other person's turn to speak nonsensically.

if we'd been ten years younger, it would have been easy. but we were sufficiently "mature" (ha!) that it was extremely difficult to keep it up for more than 2 or 3 utterances. we played this many times (especially if the family was traveling & we shared a room), and I don't think either of us ever kept a turn going for more than about 15 to 20 seconds.

if this sounds easy, try it. you may be surprised to discover how unintentionally rational you are.

internal monologue is not at all the same. you need at least 2 people, and you must speak.

when I hear the part of this song immediately preceding "rats, rats, lay down flat" I think of the non sequitur game. we'd have been no match whatsoever for syd.

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