Lyric discussion by oggeymoggel 

Astute observation.

This sounds like something out of the "China White" storyline, like where the gardener first comes into play, perhaps a side story or an off-set beginning.

I saw a video made for this, portraying a man who was in a mental hospital. He had several progressive flashbacks to his life before (think Memento), involving a girlfriend who dumped him. At the end, you find out his "magic wand" is a starter pistol, a garage gun. He goes to the ex's house and sees her with a new boyfriend.

Keep in mind, it appears to have been months since he got dumped. When she doesn't take him back, he takes out the gun, shoots the new man, and perforates the girl. Then it goes to more proof of insanity, where you watch him feel the way he felt all over again. Then he imagines all of the gunshots on him, and the man crumples to the floor because of how bad he feels.

Apparently, they never said they'd put him away. This shows me that the cops didn't think that there was enough to prove insanity, but... if you think of the man in this song as the Gardener, it makes perfect sense. We all know the songs intertwine when they're connected, (China White and CW2 have carbon-copied lyrics, as do The Seduction and Dixie Wolf) so think about windows. Those play a big part in the CW story, and its referenced in here. For a lyricist like Schuylar, passing glances might as well be stare-downs as far as references go. They never said they'd put him away, but then they found his garden with the bodies fertilizing it. Sure, they had enough to send him to prison.. But now they have enough to send him away to an institute. They never told him because they never knew.

Perhaps this is a side-story to "China White"? I suppose we can't really be certain. But, it certainly seems that way to me.

I can appreciate the Hannibal Lecter reference, but... I don't see enough solid ground there. Something to get a thesis out of, but not enough for a persuasive point to be made.

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