Lyric discussion by olMUSICHnj 

"Sorry I met you" and "Sorry I left you" is an exchange between the two. He's sorry he met her now because he has so much grief. she's sorry she left him because of the pain he has. Alex and Miles are role playing in this part.

Notice how "Sorry I met you" is sang much more than "Sorry I left you". This reflects the obsessiveness of the guy. She only says "sorry i left you" 4 times, both emphasizing the sincerity of her apology and also her disinterest in him. However, the guy saying "Sorry i met you" a lot more is his attempt to win her back by means of sympathy and by conveying urgency and desperation...which never works.

I think this track is great, slighty edging past "My mistakes were made for you" for best song on the album, in my opinion.

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