Lyric discussion by WhatSongIsThis 

"Met'em in a hotel beneath ground."

I think this line is about a guy, or a group she once met in the underworld, who were involved with the occult, or a secret society? (The line might be "Met him" instead of "met'em"?)

The line can also be about a nightmare, or an alien abduction experience she has had? Many abductees have talked about being in a hotel or military base underground where they have met a strange alien, or a military guy? I've had nightmares of such.

"Tell me that he's missing. Tell me this one is for Lollipop Gestapo."

The "Gestapo" was the official secret police of Nazi Germany. The army units within the Gestapo were taught many torture techniques. Many abductees have also talked about being tortured by devices in underground installments.

Wikipedia Link:

"King Solomon's Mines"

In refrence to the Hollow Earth? King Solomon's Mine is listed on the HOLLOW EARTH MAP.

Also many people claim that Adolf had a fasicnation with the idea of the Hollow Earth and they decided to move into it. Really weird?

Refrence Links:

interesting..i totally believe in the occult of this song..makes a lot of sense

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