Lyric discussion by theenjoisk8r 

hm, it is somewhat confusing when it says, "I’m pushing you away, my will be done, it is my choice" and then "Yet I remain in solid stone, no force on earth will move me" in the same paragraph. i dont think you can be considered "in [the] solid stone" of jesus if you also claim "my will be done, it's my choice". and the line "my heart and soul belong to me, I am my own my own my own" also shows that the speaker thinks they have control over their life more than God. a God follower thinks just the opposite: i am not my own, Your will be done. since we know it will be a story, and based on the placement of this track (the middle of the CD) this will probably be a "low" point for our hero or even a friend of our hero.

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