Lyric discussion by fieroavian 

Looking up to the skies of this place where the sun doesn't shine Without blinking, I tried following the fast-forwarded motion of the clouds.

It was terrifying. When I close my eyes, everything seems to turn into lies.

And the wind crying out, as it seems to put the torn pieces of clouds together. Then, all of a sudden, it's as if I"m blown away. But a little shake is nothing.

As long as I keep my eyes forward And push on straight ahead without stumbling on my way. If I do that, one day I'll probably be able to catch up with those clouds, too.

It's never-ending, this long journey ahead And even if there was only despair, I want to believe it's fine because there are hope and dreams ahead.

Though there aren't any trails where to go, I can already make one by myself. Even with my eyes closed, I can walk this path as long as I keep my ears open.

Then, I'll change it all, these really useless and boring values and predudice. No such thing as a meaningless, worthless or stupid dream, I'll show you. That's right. I'll change without changing. Isn't that out destiny? I have no choice but to grab a hold of it.

I wonder how long I should keep on walking I wonder how far I've walked 'til now Even if you look back, this wilderness keeps on getting bigger and the path ahead keeps going on On this road of lonliness, I start to think

Even if life is full of pain and suffering, meeting you wan't such a bad thing, so long as it keeps my mind of it all. So just for a bit more, won't you stay and not let go of my hand?

Looking up to the skies of this place where the sun doesn't shine.

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