Lyric discussion by kyokitty44 

LOLs. I agree that this song is kind of an oddball on the album. Now, as for its meaning, I think that the lyrics are too short to have any definite meaning. They are up for self interpretations really.

The school I go to is very academically driven and getting a lower than B grade is considered "bad" for most ppl. So its a lot of pressure, from teachers, parents, society, etc. And sometimes, I feel that the ppl in our town are so focused on scores, numbers, and statics that ppl lose meaning in whats really important in life. This is where this song comes into play. The first line "you may notice certain things before you die" sort of explains the whole school thing I was just talking about...and "mail them to me should they cause your algebra to fail". Meaning that, if and when someone realizes that life isn't always about ambition, achievment, competition, etc., it can cause ppl to lose faith in stuff like that...therefore, "fail their algebra".

The second stanza seems to then refer to ppl who don't realize these things in life, they don't see the bigger picture. They are too caught up with test scores, winning, etc. or rather, "the smaller points", and fail to enjoy life because of it. "roll them up in coffee cake and dine" is the one that confuses me the most. But, er, taking a wild stab @ it....I think it might mean that you shouldn't listen to the ppl described in the 3rd line. Coffee cake is fun and delicious, the ppl being eaten have no fun at all. By rolling them up and eating them, you are the one who "wins" over them in the end. Wins at what? life, of course :D They "die" because of their narrow beliefs. >< or something like that....

About the weird ending w/ the kids laughing/crunching/water running: hm, It sounds like the kids are being eaten up. Maybe it means that childhood is slowly eaten away by all the burdens and pressures of the world. ^_^ just my take on things...

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