Lyric discussion by grimjack 

Oh yeah, remember that movie "V"? Aliens took over Earth, and the humans had to form a resistance while pretending to cooperate.

Plus that dude at the beginning of the video? Totally from outer space. "You don't know me..I know you father. He wanted me to give you this..." Then he vanishes and all we see are the stars? Freaked me out as a kid, this video did.

Grimjack, I believe that guy, the one you were talking about, his voice was probably altered. Plus, he might've just walked away. But I see whatchya mean.

I generally believe the ones who talk about this being on a movie. I've heard enough to say yes. But, Aliens... I get that too. The whole "holographic message" thing kinda proved that. I haven't seen this "On Dangerous Ground" movie, but I can see it's a warzone type of movie.

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