Lyric discussion by raffishtenant2 

Funny as all hell. It's going on my "Tooth Decay" summer mix, somewhere between Kelly Clarkson and Shiny Toy Guns.

Seems like some of the guys commenting here might want to lighten up. If your point is simply, "Chicks have been known to hurt my feelings at bars by trying to avoid me"...well, could be them, but could be you as well, right? And let's not forget that the storyline in this song started with Inappropriate Touching, not just "following round."

It's a fun song with a simple message for us guys: Don't Be an Asshole and You'll Be Fine and Probably Even Stand a Better Chance of Getting Laid.

As for kyleisgreat's comment: "All you women may feel empowered after listening to this song and feel that pink is figthing for your rights but really she is just doing it for the dollar and you bought it(both literally and figuratively)":

That's a cynical enough view. I respect cynicism and thought briefly about abandoning pop music on that basis, but I've mostly concluded that life's just too short. I leave you to your enjoyment of artists for whom money is not an issue.

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