Lyric discussion by PursuitofLife 

I think the most obvious explanation, or what would seem to be the obvious meaning to those who don't get the irony, would be thatit's about being able to use confidence to overcome your problems (in the sense that to "whip it" would be to beat it or overcome it). What gives away the fact that it's irony is the part about how "Before the cream sits out to long/you must whip it"...because sudden;y it's talking about whipped cream.

It's odd that people don't even go so far as to get the first possible misconception, and underthink it to the extent that they think it's about actually whipping something (like with a whip).

But that's the point of Devo songs, isn't it? That if you don't think about it you'll completely miss the irony/ you end up being a part of the culture that the song is making fun of, and the joke's on you...

That's the point, isn't it? Devo songs are a parody of the consumers of the music industry...?

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