The beginning to this song is definately the best part. Very strong sound, reminds me a bit of Hadouken!
I don't think this song is depressing. After all, the Internet can be very isolating, but it can also offer a before unknown ability to express yourself. I personally think that this song is telling the story of Does It Offend You, Yeah's own history. They started off by just hanging out and making one song, Battle Royale, and putting it up on a Myspace page. Eventually, enough people started listening to it, that they made more songs. So, in essence, they became "rock stars in a download town"; they became well-known entirely on people listening to their music online.
The beginning to this song is definately the best part. Very strong sound, reminds me a bit of Hadouken! I don't think this song is depressing. After all, the Internet can be very isolating, but it can also offer a before unknown ability to express yourself. I personally think that this song is telling the story of Does It Offend You, Yeah's own history. They started off by just hanging out and making one song, Battle Royale, and putting it up on a Myspace page. Eventually, enough people started listening to it, that they made more songs. So, in essence, they became "rock stars in a download town"; they became well-known entirely on people listening to their music online.