Lyric discussion by erinoftheyear 

Cover art for You Don't Send Me lyrics by Belle & Sebastian

Back in the 50's it used to be popular to say he/she "Sends Me" if you were in love/lust with them. There is even a song called "You Send Me" by Sam Cooke.

So, knowing that I suppose this song is about the exact opposite of that. I also think this song is a bit spiteful and playfully rude. He's saying, look get over it, I don't give a flying fuck about you anymore. The people in the song must've had the same group of friends and obviously the break-up between them has split the group which the girl in the song is upset about but the singer doesn't care, because that's what eventually happens to all clicks.

Overall, i.m.o this is a really fun song about a guy telling a girl to get over herself.