Lyric discussion by 1alill 

I respect everyone's opinion on this song, but I want to throw a curveball. Could this song not be talking about a long-time friend who caught feelings for the other? Looking at the lyrics, it makes perfect sense. "Friends we've been for so long / Now true colors are showing" (they've been friends for a long time, but one of them has caught feelings and possibly fallen for the other). Many times when this happens, the friendship is never the same, and you have to "say goodbye" to the friendhip. "You cannot hide the way you feel inside I realize." I mean, this is just one perspective. I agree with everyone else's interpretation. I just wanted to look at it from another possible angle.

This is EXACTLY what the song is about. Thank you, so much! :)

This is EXACTLY what the song is about. Thank you, so much! :)

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