Dylan never ceases to touch me and my life through his songs, it is almost uncanny just how he hits you where it matters, and feels the most, these lines for instance:
"He told himself he didn't care, pushed the window open wide,
Felt an emptiness inside to which he just could not relate."
I just sat with my mouth open the first time I heard that. Such a perfect description of how it feels to lose track of someone you think or know that you will one day grow to love.
Dylan never ceases to touch me and my life through his songs, it is almost uncanny just how he hits you where it matters, and feels the most, these lines for instance:
"He told himself he didn't care, pushed the window open wide, Felt an emptiness inside to which he just could not relate."
I just sat with my mouth open the first time I heard that. Such a perfect description of how it feels to lose track of someone you think or know that you will one day grow to love.