Lyric discussion by stephaniehoffy 

Cover art for Heaven Forbid lyrics by Fray, The

First off, I'll start by saying that I am completely in love with this song. I'm not sure if someone already mentioned this, but I take this song to be about depression and hurting.

So, the song goes: Twenty years it's breaking You down, now that you Understand there's no one around. Take a breath, just take a seat, you're Falling apart and tearing at the seams. (Basically strightforward and literal. you feel completely alone, like you are falling apart everyday)

Heaven forbid you end up Alone and don't know why Hold on tight, wait for tomorrow, You'll be alright. (Narrator of song is telling the listeners to stick it out, get through all the issues in life, and you'll be alright in the end.)

It's on your face, is it on your mind, Would you care to Build a house of your own? How much longer, How long can you wait, It's like you wanted to go And give yourself away. (I think this is saying do you show the world what you feel? or is it only inside your head? Basically speaking to the people who wear emotional masks. It goes on to say "Would you care to build a house of your own?" I think this is saying that you can start from scratch and build something beautiful for yourself. You don't have to give up. then it says how much longer can you wait? How much longer can you go through life feeling the way that you do?)

It feels good. Is that reason enough for you? It feels good. Is that reason enough for you? (Then these few lines make me think that the subject of the song is talking back to the narrator. In my mind, the hurting person could also be thinking about suicide, or even cutting to release the pain. When the narrator says "How much longer can you wait?", the subject replies by saying that when they hurt themselves to get rid of the pain it feels good. They are hostile and angry, and just want the narrator to understand that it makes them feel good.)

Out of this one Don't know how to get you out of this one, Don't know how to get you out of this one, Don't know how to get you out of this one, Don't know how to get you out of this one. (The narrator becomes somewhat baffled and begins to tell the subject that he doesn't know how to help her and to get her out of her hell. I think he is saying that if she wants to improve her life and find happiness, she has to make it happen for herself.)

God, I love this song!

@stephaniehoffy I feel like it's an echo to his other song ''how to save a life''. He is talking to his friend that has committed suicide, trying to understand what he could have done.

So to me in the song, the person feeling bad has 20 years. (probably the age he/she went away - let's say it's a she). The singer tries to tell her that she should sit and take a breath from her pain. That she should try to see it from another angle and to think about what she is about to do. He wants her to try...

also i forgot to mention : heaven forbid - the title - is probably because in catholic religion, people who commits suicide will not go to heaven.

So I ve said, ''How to save a life'' and ''Heaven Forbid'' are probably talking about the same person.