Lyric discussion by oyaayan 

Cover art for Take My Hand lyrics by Simple Plan

maybe the he's saying the take his hand 'one last time' because there is a problem in the relationship that they can't help like they have to be physically separated for whatever reasons (college, business, moving away, problems with other people etc) so they have only a limited time to be together. they think about separating and giving up on the relationship but then realize how much it means to them. they could get through or cope with whatever problems they're facing, so they keep trying. when he's saying to 'don't let me go' and 'don't let me let you go' he's saying 'don't give up on me', and 'don't let me give up on you', because they're meant to be together.

'I see your face And it keeps me going (Hey, hey) If I get lost Your light's gonna guide me And I know that you can take me home You can take me home'

there are times when he has doubts but remembers how much he cares for her, and it gets him to keep trying.