Lyric discussion by Ravolution 

Fav song on Fortress, this is my interpretation.

"Endowed with the art of casting names upon its being, the humans claimed dominion over every living thing."

Humanity has innate creativity, but with that comes an uneeded desire to name and label everything. We have a word for everything.

"Proud as purpose they became to walk the earth as they arraigned the common creatures caught within corpus, cursed, conscious human brain."

I think this means, man rose over nature and then decided to categorize every animal into infinite groups or species, which comes off as an egotistical task.

"Every word that's ever written will fall short of its intent, even spoke or sung or screamed it will betray what it has meant."

Like Arif said in a recent MOD interview, our words can never fully express what we mean.

"Language is the heart's lament, a weak attempt to circumvent the loneliness inherent in search for permanence (like all the future ghosts who scratch their names in wet cement)."

Language is what sets us apart from animals, we need it to exist and it exists as a way to get past our loneliness as the only intelligent lifeform (that we know) on the planet. This is also a way to remain a memory or idea after death or to mark your place on earth to say, "I was alive, remember me, i was here." Which is where the metaphor "like all the future ghosts (people who are inevitably going to die) who scratch their names in wet cement."

"Demeaning meaning as they shout out at the emptiness, abstraction is the stake between anima and animus."

This is a tough one, but i think it basically means words are pointless for aforementioned reasons, but we still use them because of our lonelieness on this planet.

"The Anima and Animus, are in Carl Jung's school of analytical psychology, the unconscious or true inner self of an individual, as opposed to the persona, or outer aspect of the personality..."

So to me, in this context it sort of goes with the existentialist view that existence preceeds essence, or in this case our true selves are underneath all these labels or words.

"Deflesh the word as scourge of human destiny. Behold the world in other people, life is clarity."

Words = bad. Hahaha.

Take all that i've said with a grain of salt, its just my personal interpretation.

awesome. great interpretation man. i think it's right on. the part about the Anima and Animus in really interesting. I just took a psychology class in which we talked about Jung, so I'm just gonna correct you a little: the Anima is the archetype of the feminine soul in every man, and the Animus is the archetype of the masculine soul in every woman, both complimenting the "Self", which is the archetype of psychic wholeness of the same gender.

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