Lyric discussion by x83 

this one guy that i really like and i have both actually considered this to be our song what we feel most likely isn't the true meaning of the song, but for us it's just kind of the situation where we both have had troubled pasts..but finding each other brings us both happiness. because of our pasts, we believe that both of our souls do go deeper than bones, and we're able to send each other our vampires through opening up to one another. it's a long distance thing, so the whole thing about 'i want you, i can't get enough" refers to us just liking each other.

a line that always really caught my eye was "to live this way is not for the meek" and for me, that refers to the fact that the guy i like is on the verge of being famous (he's the lead singer of a well-known band). he doesn't want a girl whose starstruck or jealous of what he has, he wants someone who can take on such a lifestyle and be able to support him.

its cool.

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