Lyric discussion by timmy2shoos 

I don't know where you got the idea of asking a girl out. It suggests nothing of that in my opinion.

I see it as quite obvious. The title of the song is "When We Begin To Steal..." so i figure its about stealing.

Especially with the lines "If you really want to, you can, lie" which is pertaining to the stealing idea

and again at the end (which is the best part) when he says "I told you so, on that night, about this force, a force of will"

I picture that line as a scene where two guys are about to rob a place, and the song is looking back "on that night" and the other guy isn't sure if he wants to steal, which is where "the force of will comes in"

and also pertaining to the first line again, when it says you can lie if you want to it almost seems like they were caught for stealing, and hes saying you can liea bout it if you want to.

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