Lyric discussion by societyred 

thanks themosquitogod, for the real meaning on page 2

yeah, i read an interview that Serj said that there was a horse that lived ny the bay, and all that he ever dreamed of was looking down at the ocean as he flew over it. Then as a jet flew over the horse and the jet pilot made eye contact and for a moment the horse could see through jet pilots eyes. The song is saying how we take the earth for granted and destroy it everyday and dont care, and we dont stop and think how the world we are destroying without guilt is the most beautiful thing to the animals of the planet. how the horse dreams about seeing the ocean from the pilots pespective, and the jet pilots view and he just flies over it. The part where he says "My source, is the source of all creation" is saying how we were created by the same thing that created the planet, so in destroying the planet, in turn we are destroying ourselves, we are nothing more than intelligent animals. yeah yeah i know im a hippie.

@societyred my gawd, your comment made me cry. I thought that's what it was about. Serj is so deep

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