Lyric discussion by Tamaranis 

I don't think it's limited to bullies and mean girls, even though it does apply to that. I think it's about (as said earlier) any time you try to change yourself to accomodate someone else, realize you've always hated them anyway, and decided "well, fuck you."

I had a job where I was supposed to lie to people. Call center, 8 hour shift, tell people someone was going to come fix something, or someone would call them back to negotiate a refund, or whatever, even though I knew full well these things would never happen. I could get better at lying, or I could say "I just realized what I was really hired for and I'm not going to be here tomorrow morning."

I'm pretty sure it's relevant, because willful lying pisses me off, and I would hate myself if I willfully lied to people for a living.

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