Lyric discussion by Reddish 

"Our science is religion" He's stated before that he thinks committing oneself to a religion will make you a fanatic eventually, and that religious fanatics are what's wrong with the world today. So.. Todays science -> Negative, basically?

"No need to challenge the Cherubim" Assuming it's christianity he's talking about and they've been said (among other things) to guard the Garden of Eden's east side.. Maybe he means you shouldn't attempt to get into the Garden of Eden? I don't know really..

"Machines try to take me to hell" Bad science again..?

"Build a tower tall and strong It will be beautiful Using our technology Babel will stand anew" So, now when we have the technology that we do we'll build a tower that goes up into heaven. Doing what God did not want the humans to do previously, and prevented them from.

This song just feels like he's saying "religion = bad", at least to me anyway. I just get confused each time I try and analyse it, though. >.>;;

On a non-song-meaning note, I absolutely love this song! His voice in it is amazing imo and his english pronounciation is quite good.

I personally don't think he's trying to say that religion is bad, but rather, science or man can be bad.

Generally, the songs speaks of how science can be immoral and go against what God wants us to do. Basically, through science, we "play God" and do things that aren't exactly the best things to do.

"Our science is religion" I do agree that he means that he looks at science negatively in this line.

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