Lyric discussion by just12 

Man, the notion that this is about the devil is disheartening.

I thought it was an ultra-simple, and ultra-powerful, expression of our (occasionally/often) overpowering desire to be adored. You could find some psychobabbliatrists who would say that the desire to be adored rules the lives of those for whom survival is no longer a struggle.

So, if this whole song is sung from a single point of view, he's saying: 1) the devil is in me 2) I've already sold my soul 3) I want to be adored 4) You adore me

Those are all the things that are stated in this song. (Makes it a hell of a lot easier to analyze, as the song is so simple, in terms of quantity of unique lines.)

Numbers 1 and 2 are tied together -- the devil is in me because I've sold my soul. (As much as selling your soul means the devil is "in" you...) So, this much makes sense.

Numbers 3 and 4 are tied together -- he wants to be adored, and he is adored. A desire is listed, and so is the fact that it's satisfied. So this makes sense.

But what the h**l is the connection between those two groups??

Surely they're not implying that the devil "adores" him?!?

Can someone give a good reference or quote for this devil explanation?

Anyhow, the lyrics were extremely powerful and moving when I first got turned on to this album, what, four years ago.

As another poster said, to me, this song will always simply be about the desire to be loved. It's like the lyrics are just the transcript from a direct line to the part of your brain that constantly/sometimes cries out for love.

And, obviously, his voice, the production, and the music are beautiful, and they "make" the song, along with the lyrics.

Love it.

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