Lyric discussion by SuitBoy 

Cover art for Darkness on the Edge of Town lyrics by Bruce Springsteen

There's a bitterness in the first verse that I think you've missed Now I hear she's got a house up in Fairview And a style she's trying to maintain Well if she wants to see me You can tell her that I'm easily found A resentment that he's hearing news about his ex-wife second hand, and that she's doing well while he's down here with his demons, whatever they are, and that she doesn't ask after him.

The demons are gambling, aren't they? The first two lines I presume is reference to a horse track, but that that's not where he places his money - his is lost - I lost my money, then I lost my wife - in the darkness on the edge of town.

The rest I think you've all got right - of putting something else before your loved ones despite your loving them.

@SuitBoy Yes I think he was addicted to gambling on the horses which was quite a common addiction back then.