Lyric discussion by Irishmonk 

I finally decided that this is my favourite song of all time. I had listened to it a few times in the seventies but, being a kid, naturally found it way too complex and difficult. I rediscovered it recently and finally can appreciate its epic, majestic sweep. I believe this is the height of prog-rock and I'm not sure it can ever be improved on, regardless of all the new digital technology at muscians disposal.

The lyrics--as with many of Gabriel's most inspired early Genesis songs (Carpet Crawlers comes immediatley to mind) are highly metaphorical, poetic, mystical, elusive and endlessly open to interpretation. Of course there's lots of Biblical/religious overtones mixed in with human emotions of love, betrayal and redemption. I'm personally not religious but the lyrics and the orchestral compositions always put me into a spiritual trance, especially the last three minutes which are, arguably, the most moving, passionate three minutes in the history of rock. Gabriel's voice is--like his namesake--angelic here, and he has never sounded better. Anyone who has seen this live in it's original form should feel very lucky.

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