Lyric discussion by love_is_free 

In response to just_old_light (love your screen name btw, that's from Samson right?)- when she says "tell all the people to be like the water" i always thought it meant something more along the lines of a sea of people, so she can swim in them. Like the water she swam in in the song. I don't think the escaping in this song (which i can definietely imagine was inspired by a dream) has to do with literal escaping from her life. Whenever i hear it or read the lyrics i think of regina just wanting the freedom to be herself. I also think this song could be something entirely different. About a relationship that set her free. The big boat was a person who took her away. The canon that was fired was the start of a relationship. The waking up once and twice and millions of times part i think symbolizes falling out of love or ending relationships. She sounds afraid that she's going to wake up somewhere off of a big boat taking her away: my heart breaks too easy, my words get all jumbled and when I wear lipstick then no one understands me at all they think I’m saying hello and goodbye… what I’m really saying is…

I’ve woken up once and I’ve woken up twice and I’ve woken up millions and millions of times

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