Lyric discussion by waiting to listen 

To me this song is about inner strength, and knowing you have control over your emotions and feelings, and if you believe that no one can hurt you unless you let them, it's one of the greatest feelings of strength and control out there. It's also about knowing who you are, and having a strong sense of self: you don't mind people staring, and you know they don't understand you, but that's ok, you don't need to be an attention-whore/star in your world, you don't need their approval, it's ok to be yourself, whatever that is. It's about trying to preserve your individuality in a world that encourages anything but. I almost get the sense that a specific person may be referred to when she sings, "and everyday that goes by, you look a little less like who you used to be" and "this is all too heavy" make me think she's referring to a specific person and situation, but really it could be referring to everyone in this world, and the situation of this world in general is what's "too heavy."

The excerpts from the poem are really haunting, but I think the gist goes along with the rest of the lyrics, that the risk of loving something such as a child also risks the grief that goes along with the potential of losing them, but the important thing is to love as much as you can, while you can.

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