Lyric discussion by Whatchagots?!? 

to me this song is about this special type of girl that is so different from the others. only a few girls could like foreign films. so this girl has to be special to her. something different about her attracted him to her. and as he sees her and finally gets to be with her other people are with them and he just wants to be with her and no one else to talk and laugh and be happy. before that the only time he would be with her is when they walk to her car and they are so close that he wants to explain everything to her and how he feels but he wont because it would hurt to much (lyrics, duh). so he just sits there with the awkwardness and he stays while she leaves without knowing how he feels. basically the story of my life. every girl I have liked has ended this way.... thats why i can't get tired of this song i listen to it like everyday and never get tired of it because its that good and it rings true to me and its so real to me. so thats it

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