Lyric discussion by MasonC 

why does nobody comment on this song?

This is quite possibly the best cover of any song i've ever heard...come on jack's chill but still passionate style mixed with lennon's genius lyrics? This was my favorite song the first week after I heard it...

I believe in every single word of this song...and no, i'm not a communist...its too bad human nature (greed, lust for money, material culture) prevents some of these ideals from ever being reached. I love this song, partially because when I first heard it (lennon's version, years ago) I already agreed with every word.

first stanza: Lennon sees through religion. I have no problem with religion, though I myself am not religious. What I believe this verse means is that there are so many people out there who live and follow certain morals for the sole reason of getting the afterlife they want...thats ok...but isn't it better to live well, give the world the best you have, from the bottom of your heart, not because you want to go to heaven, but because you really mean it? because you really want to help? at least that's how I feel. John says, don't live for hope of life after death, live for the sake of being alive.

second verse: I also believe in this. really, if you think about it, countries are way too fucking big, strict, etc. to really promote the interests of the people they represent. for example: consistently, half our country (or 75%, under bush) is not satisfied with the leadership. Now, I'm not saying that abolishing countries is possible, or even a good Idea, considering human nature again. but it's just nice to imagine a smoother system, where people are nice to each other (if that's possible, given how ethnocentric everyone is). however, it is true that every single war in modern history is due to religion, or more recently, the US leaders being dumbasses (country, greed, etc). this is a cry for people to see the world with an open mind, to imagine the possibility of peace. and to do this, john attacked the biggest delusion of humankind (religion).

the last verse is very reminiscent of communism, or at least the communist manifesto from marx. don't get me wrong, if we were to try to implement communism into the US today, it would fail. miserably. why? because people don't believe in it, and because it doesnt work in groups of more than a few people, cuz there's always some jerk who thinks he's gonna be happier if he rules everything. still nice to think about people sharing all the world though.

so why do I like this song so much? the chorus ties it all together. EVERYBODY has to imagine a life like this, a life where people don't hate each other due to differences. where countries, religion, money, and posessions don't lead to such strong greed and envy. It's like a good dream...if everybody just thought about what life was really worth, John says, we could accomplish this

I hope someday, you'll join us, and the world will live as one

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