Lyric discussion by Fallen Leaves 

It's obvious.

Just to explain it to those who may not understand ( I doubt I'm the only one who hates it when people say it's obvious and don't explain and you STILL don't know what it means )


Okay, the girl cheated on the guy. The guy is mad, and she's saying she regrets it and wants him back, and he says no they're done he's through with her jerking him around.

Awesome video. Jacob Hoggard is hilarious. (Watch the muchmusic 'on set' thing for this, it's pretty funny)

PS. My friend met Jacob Hoggard on a plane and he was really nice to her, they got pics together, she showed me his autograph, he gave her a hug, and they talked practically the rest of the plane ride. What a sweetie and HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!

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