Lyric discussion by fasterfaster777 

Well - you guys are all completely wrong! And i'm sure Deborah Harry would clear this up. It has nothing to do with sex you idiots. Atomic - in the 1970's, when i was listening to this album 1979 exactly, there was a general fear of nuclear war with Russia. Atomic - and a constance reference to 'Your Hair Is Beautiful" - and then saying "Atomic" - Is simply poetic - Radiation, will eliminate your 'beautiful hair" - She repeats over and over "beautiful hair" and Atomic -- it's pretty clear. If you watch the video blondie made for this song - it's a post nuclear holocaust scene - there's a clip of a nuclear bomb going off, there's a night club with Blondie appear and the writing underneath is all in Russian. - It's kinda like a Mad Max scenario - get it? There's even Radiation warning signs in the club in the video. Geez - blowjobs! You idiots!

couldn't agree more! i was surprised to come here and find out that they think such bands made songs about blowjobs! i mean, seriously, are you dumb? go get laid, you fucktards! and dear god, if your own life is all about getting ppl to acknowledge you sexuality IT FUCKING DOES NOT MEAN EVERY SONG HAS TO BE ABOUT THAT THING ALONE! go see the vid, you dumbasses!

@fasterfaster777 there is a duality in meaning, you are correct, but also Debbie Harry equates the atomic effect of the force of an atomic bomb blast and attributes this to Arturo Atomic Vega. Atomic was Arturo's nickname. He used to give her quite something to remember him by. She was completely and totally infatuated with the man. Hence, this song and its subject matter. Great song

@fasterfaster777 there is a duality in meaning, you are correct, but also Debbie Harry equates the atomic effect of the force of an atomic bomb blast and attributes this to Arturo Atomic Vega. Atomic was Arturo's nickname. He used to give her quite something to remember him by. She was completely and totally infatuated with the man. Hence, this song and its subject matter. Great song

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