Lyric discussion by Image In Nation 

I think that this song does not actually have anything to do with the Greek myth of Oedipus, but rather uses it as an ongoing metaphor to support the character that Regina creates.

I see it that, if thirty second is to be interpreted as the number 32, then this child is searching to be appreciated and noticed by his mother. Then, if thirty seconds is to be interpreted as a time span of thirty seconds - as in half a minute - then perhaps the mother of the child had had a lover (the child's father) who had left her. Her lover left and had several other children. The mother was heartbroken and would retire to her room in depression, paying little heed to her child. The mother regretted seeing that child because it reminded her of her old romance, and she was saddened by that. She was disgusted with herself for having been foolish and being stuck with a kid. Yet, all the child wants is to be noticed by his mother, to excel and make her love him.

That's how I see it.

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