Lyric discussion by Lightning.J 

Cover art for Perfect People lyrics by Pennywise

Though I don't quite see how you're getting pop-punk out of some guys commenting on a Pennywise song, I do get what you're trying to say, ATDILoser. There really is this stupid "punk" image going around that's starting to annoy the piss out of me. I've seen people go and buy some key chain that says PUNK in pink and black letters at a gas station, and there's even a girl I've seen carrying a black messenger bag with Tinker Bell on it, sporting the words "PuNK PiXiE." I almost gave up on life in America and killed myself.

This made me lol, the punk chicks when I was in high school (98-2000) didn't wear clothes much different from the guys, because they were differently not into showing their bodies for sex. Even the preppy chicks were not wearing slutty clothing 90% of the time, Britney Spears was just starting and didn't influence girls my age at all, thankfully.