Lyric discussion by CrimsonAngel17 

Okay, why does a band changing piss people off so badly??? wtf? I mean, come on, if they DIDN'T change, you'd be sick of them sounding the SAME! stop complaining about the fact they don't sound as good as they did before... and the fact they don't scream like they used to... obviously you people aren't like LOYAL fans... liek I am... because I LOVE this CD! this song, it's Alex's most personal one YET! You shouldn't always focus on the SOUND... but on the MESSAGE and the MEANING of the music... that's what I do... This song, it's like ME singing this... because I, like Alex, lost my grandpa... onlly dif between our losses is that I WATCHED my grandpa die... he didn't get to say goodbye... (if you don't believe me... go look up Revolver, he talks about it! which is a first, he usually doesnt talk about his feelings like this... this is more personal than "Oh, I just broke up with my girlfriend because she was cheating on me!") This song is my fave off this CD! (along with Becoming the Bull... and all the rest!)

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