Lyric discussion by ajdedo 

Actually I have to add even more......

"you could be my black kate moss tonight" Come'on.... very lame.

"do anybody make real shit anymore?" Lol.... Is that supposed to be IRONY?

"bow in the presence of greatness ... you should be honored by my lateness" Can someone say 'egocentric'.

"so we gon' do everything that kan like" Yea, that sounds like fun..... I'm sure the women like hearing that.

"well i'd do anything for a blonde-dike" Why? What could you get from a blonde dike? Or are you just so fuckin' lame you can't think of a better rhyme?

Geez..... Desperately seeking the instrumental version.... Don't get me wrong, the beat IS good. That's why I'm on this page.....

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