Lyric discussion by Airman1415 

I'm sure it's been said because the song is pretty straightforward. It's about living life for the experience and journey and living without regrets. The "dam" symbolizes the boundaries that we set upon our lives trying to control it. the water represents the "path" or time line of our lives.

The people break down their boundaries and begin floating down the waterway (their life) and no matter what effects them (rocks scraping their backs) they just keep floating in a setting that is very peaceful (on their backs bellies up to the clouds)

Especially near the end where the song metaphorically speaks of a person on a stage bowing and being happy knowing that they "did it well" (lived their life to the best of their ability.) No regrets and enjoying life for the adventure that it is no matter how hard it gets.

One of my all time favorite songs.

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