Lyric discussion by ctlizyrd 

I think that Nick Laird-Clowes loved to observe things. I could see him just sitting and watching the world go by, imagining what other people are saying or thinking.

In this song, he sits out by his window and watches 'The Love Parade" go by, and dreams what the passing people are thinking about.

What I find most interesting here, is his opinion on love... That it's all a big show.

The elderly woman who's been 'married for so many years', hears a song that wistfully reminds her of her younger days when she was less lonely by herself! Wow! That hurts!

Then He MUST not doubt or express his doubts or else she will leave him for someone else. Is that the only reason he stays with her?! Sounds like it!

For as easygoing a song as this is, lyrically, it's a punch in the stomach! To sum up, apparently 'love' is a liar's game. The 'parade' is all for show - the truth, more sinister.

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