Lyric discussion by emo_09 

Righto.. taken from H/C myspace - what the song is about (since this is what the site used to be about):

"Modest Manifesto"

Modest –adjective having or showing a moderate or humble estimate of one's merits, importance, etc.; free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions

Manifesto –noun, plural -toes. a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization

"The reason I put such emphasis on this is that this song means a lot to me personally. Lyrically I have wanted to say such things for a long time coming. Being involved in the music scene/industry has changed so much for me since my inception. You learn so much more about business and sometimes forget what we're all really here to do - have fun. Music is an outlet, and an amazing passion to hold and it's wonderful that so many people share this affinity, but unfortunate how sometimes it's skewed by the business aspects and money making schemes. Basically we're here to have fun and do what we love and obviously not revolutionize music by any means. Therefore, the ideas presented in this song sum up my manifesto, albeit not political as the word usually lends itself to, but meaningful to me nonetheless and hopefully to others."

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