Lyric discussion by brittanyy 

iheard this song ages ago and i loved it. so beautiful. and her voice is superb on it.

well.. this to me is she is using a garden as a metaphor of a relationship/love. and when her flowers are dying it is talking about her relationship dying.. like falling apart..

and the very beggining to me is though people have helped get them together in a relationship and she uses all these nice little phrases to talk about the relationship.

tehn it goes on to say about the dying garden..

then when it says, and the bit after it.. "Come on with me and we'll have a little fun"

i imagine this to be a boy, (not the boy in the relationship) and he loves her and is trying to comfort her and he is persuading her to maybe cheat.. and nobody will find out and its all just a bit of fun.. but it could alsop mean in a friendly way aswell. "It's not too dangerous, yeah, and we won't hurt anyone."

my favourite bit in the song is..

"Should I go or should I stay? My flowers are dying and i'm sick and tired anyway. This boy seems kind of cool, his jeans are kind of low, Well, I think i'll go."

it relates alot tome in my life at the moment..

and i interpret it as the girl like questioning herself whether to go along with this other boy.. her flowers are dying.. her relationship is dying. this boy seems kind of cool.. shes like weighing up the pros and cons well i think i'll go.. she;s finally decided and realised she needs to have some fun and get away from her relationship for whatever reason..

im thinking this reason is because her boyfriend like thinks he's better and stuff and it's all boring cos it says.. "There's so much to do there and everybody wheres a crown"

then it goes on to say what they do when theyve gone to wherever tehyve gone and it's all lovely and shes glad she made the right desicion.

one of my favourite lyrics ever.. We'll do anything that makes you smile 'Cause your smile is beautiful and it makes me happy.


and the very last verse sums up how this girl made the right desiscion of going off with the other boy cos now she lives her life full of risk and full of play.. so its worked ou for the best.

sorry for waffling on, but it's so beautiful. x

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