Somebody Already Broke My Heart Lyrics

Lyric discussion by PotholesInMyLawn 

Cover art for Somebody Already Broke My Heart lyrics by Sade

Okay... this is how I see this song... I sorta agree with what most people have said... BUT there is a twist here...

I think she is still in the dead end relationship... Her heart is broken... but she is still with the dude...

She says she is "hanging on the edge of a lie" The Like is his so-call love for her...

Now a friend that has always been there through it all has sorta stepped up... not to take advantage of her will she is down... but her pain has spraked his heart into action...

She is saying to him the friend that want to be more... that If we go there... Someone going to pay... I don't want to loose you too....

See my post on Bullet Proof Soul... I think these two songs tie in very well.

Also I think the guy in this song is the same guy in Kiss of Life... Where she ponders the idea of Him and Her...

This song is the reality of her current situation...

I hope that makes since... I think you could write a book just using Sade's songs!