Lyric discussion by 3RA1N1AC 

My favorite comes from an interview I read w/ Pavement saying how they covered this live and S.M. apparently ended the song stating, "He hates us...he hates us." Very funny. It is also funny how much shit Pavement receives for being Fall sound alikes and how much more popular they are than The Fall. I love them both, just saying. (There are two Pavement comments out of four for this song).

Brilliant tune...I agree that this band is criminally over(under?)looked in the grand scheme of indie/post-punk fandom of all ages. Mark E. Smith deserves a medal for his dedication and excellence in a field with never was' and never will be's. I can't believe how many so-called punk/indie/post-punk fans i talk to that have no idea who The Fall are. They are the scene, they are no scene, they have no scene.

'Conduit for Sale' indeed.

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