Lyric discussion by grimjack 

Cover art for Nothing Good Is Real lyrics by Superdrag

awesome. effing. song. he doesn't believe anything good is truly real. And if it is, it never lasts, so was it even real anyway or just a dream? a break from reality? he doesn't trust or love anyone easily, and people always disappoint him(in other words, he always disappoints himself), but with this girl he hopes he is wrong. He prays. "Allow me to confess.."

Nothing good is real. Because if it was it would last. It wouldn't disappear at the first sign of trouble.

He breaks relationships by getting weird. he changes in a little way, barely noticable, like something in him just goes away, just for a second, and the good thing he had becomes sabotaged forever. And it falls apart fast.

he's in love with this girl. but he knows how it'll end. but if she would only come to him. maybe he could learn to hope.

isn't it scary how these songs describe our lives so well?