Lyric discussion by bluxshadows 

Cover art for The Opposite Viewed In Real Time lyrics by Sky Eats Airplane

Of course, I think we can all agree this is a reference to battle in war.

However...I took a little something extra from this piece, and I plan on dwelling over a deeper meaning in the song.

"I watched the bullets fly in wrong directions enter the guns that first fired them"

That lyric, for some reason, gave off a different meaning - something along the lines of this:

A quarrel, to say the least, where the two are arguing with each other; However, their negative energy is focused incorrectly. The reason they are fighting has nothing to do with the one they're engaged in an argument with [I watched the bullets fly in wrong directions].

The next line brought a sense of them eating their words and taking them back, learning that they did wrong, and all of that hate they gave off is coming back to hit them. [enter the guns that first fired them]

I'm sure that has nothing to do with the purposeful meaning of the song, but it was just a little tidbit I picked up from it. :)

I'm sure if I picked at the song long enough I could make it fit with what I captured from it, but that's the beauty of music - there can be a myriad of meanings thought of a song other than the original.