Lyric discussion by Christy32080 

Cover art for Wicked Game lyrics by Chris Isaak

You people kill me! It's great that you think this is the sexiest song ever...blah blah blah! The whole point of all of this is to give your thoughts on what the meaning of the song is. This web site is called SONG MEANINGS....not

The meaning of this my opinion is....he was lured in by this beautiful woman who turned his whole world upside down and realized even though he couldn't help himself he never should have fallen for her and her " wicked game". She strung him along making him believe that he is what she wanted, then she did a complete 360 and told him she did not want him...hence the line, "What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way." So she lured him in, he fell for her, and she was just stringing him along. She made him believe that she would be his everything and after being hurt he claims his last line, "nobody loves no one" meaning everyone is only out for themselves. It's not about being a couple and building together anymore, it's about what can you do for me? And once they are done getting what they want, they leave to find bigger and better things leaving you with all of this love for that person and nothing but heartache in return. And when this song was released, it was way before it's time. That is a song that should have been released for the year 2000, people are more greedier and selfish now than when this song was released!!

My life story....I would be Chris Isaac in this song! BLAH!!!!

@Christy32080 I agree with everything you said, however i'm a little confused as to how you reached the conclusion you did with the, "nobody loves no one" line. This song was in fact far ahead of it's time. I think Mr.Isaak saw how women were become more like Jezebel with every passing year. Slowly most people have become this way. Not I, or my wife though. I got extremely lucky in finding her. Great comment otherwise.

@Christy32080 I agree with your comment. pedantic note: "then she did a complete 360.." should be 180. Just saying.

@Christy32080 you hit the nail on the head - exactly what happened to me - deceived and clueless was I for 40 years and she had the gall to say this marriage is over - there never was a marriage on her part - just a plot - and she brainwashed both children - to me she lied about their spouses behavior to where I believed her to my detriment in my children's eyes - she was an effective double agent - a science guy is no match for a deceiver! Just found this song on an Alfa...